The Mills Love Your School Campaign is raising funds for the 2023-2024 school year.

  1. Landscaping
  2. School/Community Events: We are all ready to socialize again and have community events.
  3. Curriculum Supplies:

******1st 10 people who donate get to pick from the Spiritwear stock******

******Popsicle party for the grade that raises the most money!******





$5000 – Mills temporary tattoo for all students 

$7500 – Schoolwide dance party

$10,000 – Mills pencil for every student

$12,500 – Pajama day for the entire school

$15,000 – A pie in the face for our Principal, Assistant Principals and Deric. – Admins by teachers chosen who donate, Deric by 5th grader

$16,500 – A 5th grader will be chosen at random to shave Deric’s head!

$18,000 – Our amazing admin team will each kiss a pig!